Posts Tagged ‘Mom on the Run’

Note to self…

I went running again yesterday…my 3rd time for the week.  I was really proud of myself, and I finished my workout with a little more ease than before.  I also learned an important lesson…don’t run when the “real” runners are on the track. 

I thought, oh, it’s Saturday morning, the track will be empty…WRONG!  The first people I saw were a coach and a high school track kid, who easily ran lap after lap as I jogged one minute, walked one and a half, jogged one, etc., while desperately gasping for air towards the end of every one minute run.  The kid put me to shame, making it quite obvious that I’m still in the “couch potato” portion of the “Couch Potato to 5K Plan.”

Finally, the kid finished, and I thought, great, I’m almost done too, maybe I won’t see anyone else…then the bikers arrived.  A couple, probably a good 10 to 15 years older than me, came up on their bikes, parked them, and started running the bleachers before they started their laps at the track.  Once again, I, the fitness trainer and gym manager, was put to shame.

All in all, despite having to share the track with “real” runners instead of newbie wannabes like myself, I was proud of myself for running, however slow it was.  I feel great – even though I already work out regularly, I think adding something new to the routine is great.  I just kept telling myself that one day, before too long, I will be one of them…I think.

Mom on the Move

I’ve decided I need a new outlet, a new way to relieve stress, which I always seem to have plenty of! I work at a gym, so I already work out, but I need some variety in my routine. I’ve always been a wannabe runner…I’ve thought about it, dabbled in it, tried for a while and was doing really well, then fizzled. So I’ve decided to go for it again. I love the website Cool Running, and they have an awesome Couch Potato to 5K plan. It was the plan I did well with before, so I’m going back to it. Tomorrow is my offical start day (unless it rains). Hopefully blogging about it will keep me accountable! Any other runners out there…I’d love to hear tips!